Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Water & Golf

While driving into work this morning, one of my favorite sports writters told his story on golf and water.

There were a number of very interesting facts in his story.
1. There are 16,000 golf courses in America.
2. The average American course uses 312,000 gallons of water/day.
3. In Palm Springs (which has 57 golf courses) they use ~ million gallons a day. "That is, each course each day in Palm Springs consumes as much water as an American family of four uses in four years."
4. 41 percent of golfers polled believe that global warming is a myth. Hello ... wake up and smell the brown lawn people.

If you are interested in the golf/water crisis ... read Frank's article.


Unknown said...

When I first moved here, Santa FE was in their stage whatever water saving scheme - all households got an insanely small amount of water, couldn't wash the car, couldn't have grass, etc...

But the golf course was exempt. Apparently, golf course grass is waaaaay more valuable than my grass.

There was a bumper sticker, too.

I'll stop watering my lawn when Las Campanas stops water theirs.

Anonymous said...

Boy did you biff the stats in this post. Try again.