Sunday, June 15, 2008

One Year

I'm one year older - officially yesterday, but who is counting. When I was a kid 30 seemed old. 40 seemed even older. And I thought that adults always knew a) what was funny b) the answers to everything and c) how to progress though life in the least painful way. As in, I'm a kid so everything is sooooooooo painful.

Anyway, as a one year older person ... I don't feel wiser. Maybe I pay more attention to my mistakes and try not to make them again, but I'm really not "wiser". Knowing about funny. Still in the dark. I remember my father and our neighbors laughing all the time and feeling totally out the of loop. I never got the jokes. Do I get them now? Not really. Maybe that is because my father is now so old that his jokes will always be out of reach? Painful life? Seems like it is just as bad as you make it - and when you are a kid ... everything seems like the end of the world. I'm pretty sure now that the Earth will keep turning even when I'm gone.

Well happy birthday to me. :) Photos coming soon. I took some cool ones over the past 2 days.

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