Friday, June 20, 2008

Cats Dream

I'm sure Bend is dreaming right now. And he is probably dreaming of a happy place that doesn't involve needles or doctors. We took him to the vet today. Mostly for his annual checkup. But, he has sprayed a spot or two in the house and I wanted his anal glands to be checked as well.

Here was what they found. First off last year he was 10.2 pounds. Today he was 10.2 pounds. The boy never gains or looses any weight. His teeth are fine (I thought he might have to have more removed). His anal glands were super full, he is now on a every 3 month drainage plan. Sounds like a blast to me.

The vet was telling us that he is probably just marking his territory. I felt that this is something new and maybe there is something wrong with him. So, I had her run tests on his pee.

Turns out he has stones (of some kind ... she didn't know what so she sent them off to the lab) and he has a bladder infection. The poor guy got 4 shorts and one bladder express. His butt is super sore and he just seems in general pretty upset.

I'm sorry that he had such a rough time at the vet, but at least he is on the road to recovery!

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