Friday, November 21, 2008


I broke down today. I broke down and bought the Beattle's white album. I've been listening to it on LP since forever. LOVE IT. Rocky Raccoon is one of those songs that just gets me going. I've been waiting to be able to download it. Since Yoko can't decide when to allow this - I spent the $30 freaking dollars and just bought it. Ah ... Blackbird is playing right now. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing the LPs any time soon ... but at least now I can have my favorite songs on my iPhone!

And ... Twilight was okay. Took 1.5 hours just for a kiss and the young actor should have just gotten naked and did some boning (as I said loudly during the movie) ... you'd love all the eye rolling from mother's sitting next to their teen daughters.

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