Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Days of Snow

Since Sunday it has been snowing on and off. Monday and Tuesday we were on a delay for work (which meant coming in around 10AM). The roads are now icy and it was something like 8 degrees out this morning. I've been really digging winter this year - but I wonder ... is there enough wood to keep me warm??

Also, heard from Courtney that she got into New Mexcico Tech. YOU KICK BUTT GIRL! I'm proud of you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While I fully support Courtney's higher educational journey, I must ask: TECH!?!?!?

GO LOBOS!! Growl!

Of course, they probably don't have puddles of roaches in the streets outside of Albuquerque... there's a part of my UNM experience I could have lived without.