Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

This weeks Ten on Tuesday is 10 Last Minute Gift Ideas. I've been thinking about this since reading other peoples and trying to come up with my list.
1. Try to never have to give a last minute gift!
2. Cookies or bread
3. Gift card to itunes or something like that.
4. Funny handmade card.
5. Liqueur.
6. Coupons for things
7. Never anything knit because the pressure would be too great.
8. Something out of the gift box (I keep a box of things we find in other countries that I'm not sure exactly who to give them to just yet).
9. FUDGE - is there anything wrong with fudge?
10. A joke. Looking up a funny joke and putting it on a card.

There you go. What are your last minute gift ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just made a bunch of layered cookie mix in jars - they are pretty to look at (multiple layers of flour, sugar, cocoa powder and chocolate chips) and can serve as great last minute gifts for parties, etc. I usually make them with no one in mind and end up giving all them away by the end of the holiday. I attach a little powerpoint created baking direction card that tells the recipient to add butter, eggs and enjoy...nice and simple and they always get lots of compliments...every year I try a new cookie mix. Bean