Thursday, September 18, 2008

News Roundup

There have been a number of interesting things in the new recently.

and shortest man and woman together (look up little dude!). Sarah
taking over the planet for Republicans (and NO ... I'm not voting for
her - regardless of what my father wants). The oldest man has yet
another birthday. Let me ask ... if you are the oldest man in the world
isn't there a lot of pressure to just keep aging? And you know - at the
end of the day - you are going to just die and loose. Loose the title.
Seems like a heck of a lot of pressure to me.

This past weekend we went to Salt Lake City for Courtney Browne's wedding. It was great fun to drive out and dance/drink/shop. Although since this was the last
of three full weekends of drinking around the country - I'm kind of
ready to stay at home for one weekend.

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