Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Putting Up!

The basil is popping and pesto had to be made. I also dried dill and cayenne peppers. I've never dried these peppers before - can't wait to try them!

How is your garden doing?


Lynne4444 said...

My garden is doing GREAT!!! I like the glass jars you have there in your picture. Where did you obtain them?

onthemove - klh said...

My tomatoes, peppers, strawberries and watermelon will do nothing if they don't see at least the 70's at night -- but basil is doing okay as is the mint (turns out that with daytime temps around 107 and night time temps making it down to the mid-80's most gardens here are doing as lousy as mine).

Wish I had known this when I started, as we would have come up with a way to garden inside the house.