Monday, February 20, 2012

Modified Bed Rest

For those that haven't heard yet I was put on modified bed rest. What does this mean, well it means I have to stay off my feet and take it easy (which I've been doing now since Thursday). I'm allowed to work from home, shower, get a cup of tea - but other than that I'm suppose to stay off my feet.

They are worried because the baby is small and they think that bed rest should help fatten her up. I'll keep you posted on what I hear. So, far there hasn't been a lot of information (other than rest and relax).

Meanwhile as of day one the cats are taking advantage of the situation and want to snuggle almost all day long. During one of my many naps yesterday you can see that Moab decided I was in need of a little attention.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Another Good Error Message

Yep - another good error message. Who thinks these things up??

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Baby Shower

We had a tea party baby shower for a friend. It was great fun. Sometimes small groups of friends with lovely stories can be ideal!

Cinnamon scones!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Oh Fishy!!

I think our beloved fish is dying. He has been floating upside down and then righting himself for a few days. He was a mothers day gift from the cats some 5 years ago. He has had a long happy life - and it is heart breaking to see him like this :(

Saturday, February 04, 2012


While out on my super slow walk today I saw this!
Is it really spring? Didn't the ground hog say more winter?

Friday, February 03, 2012

What Is Up? Or In?

Are you wondering what is happening out here? Well we are all doing really well and keeping a close eye on my belly button. Will it stay an inie or become an outy? Just no telling!