I'm going out to DC this week to hook up with Mike for a few days before we fly home. I'm excited to go to some museums and see a few friends. Hopefully I'll get loads of great photos and I'll post them!
Any ideas what this little creature is? I thought maybe a squirrel - but it is large for a squirrel for these parts. This little guy has been bringing down the bird feeder and helping himself to whatever he likes!
I'm trying to be a bit better about blogging (especially now that the world knows about my secret). Fall is my favorite season. The changing colors, the cooler weather and how on a cool day the warm sun can feel so amazing. Methow loves to sunbath as well (all year round for her - but fall she also enjoys).
While out on a Sunday walk I saw a bunch of lovely sunflowers just poking out of the forest. It appears as if they have just re-seeded them selves and are going wild. But, they sure did make me smile. I thought about picking some and decided to leave them for the next person!