This week we are only working 3 days. Three short days. I'm pretty excited!
This past weekend was too short and action filled. Saturday Courtney came down and we played on the Wii for a bit. Then we went to Dave's 44th birthday and fight night. It was a lot of screaming at the TV and looking for them in the crowd. Sunday we went to Karin's house for breakfast (delicious) and I ran over to Dana's to meet the new Dabu (who is adorable and has very large hands). Later Sunday I decided to re-arrange the bedroom. I get tired of stuff being the exact same all the time. The re-arranging didn't take long ... but caused me to be up till midnight. The sprinklers were on outside the bedroom window and the noise was just too much for me to handle. Hopefully Mike fixes it tonight!
Thursday morning we are leaving bright and early to head up to Denver for a few days. Here is a picture of the baseball statum. We are sitting in the light blue area in the outfield. I like to be near home plate, but Mike is more an outfield guy. I'll post photos and updates from up there!