Note to self: Don't start a blog on 8.15.06 and get back to it on 8.20.06 and expect you can remember what it is you wanted to say.
Things that I don't get or drive me nuts.
1. The word unique. I freaking hate it. There is nothing unique about it. Over used. Used incorrectly. I hate it.
2.Terrible books that turn around part way through. How do you know to keep reading? Why not just put them down?
I'll update you on the weekend though. Mike and I spent most of the time down in ABQ at Sandia Motorsports.

Mike did really well. Coming in 3rd (in one of the best races I've ever seen), and 6th or 7th in another (I couldn't keep track of the racers). On Saturday night we watched V For Vendetta. I found the movie to be ... appropriate for this day and age. The acting was great and the story was lovely. I'd recommend it - if you haven't seen it.
On another front, Dana and I got tattoos on Friday. Dana got lovely blue ocean waves and I got another one as well. I know, I know - aren't I old enough to have it out of my system? I say .... POTKU can do anything she wants and no one can say a word about it.
I've found
this to be super handy and a nice little database for books.
Favorite new word: corporeal